Update on the open G-NAF and Administrative Boundaries datasets

Allan Barger | 22 Feb 2016

Thank you for your ongoing interest in the Australian Government’s announcement of 7 December 2015 about making the Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF) and Administrative Boundaries datasets openly available in February 2016.
We have been working hard to finalise the data supply arrangements and internal processes so that we can make these datasets available through data.gov.au this month. We are working through the remaining details to publish the data.
Making the G-NAF and Administrative Boundaries datasets openly available will remove barriers to greater use of the data and unlock and create opportunities for efficiencies and digital innovation. We look forward to innovative and entrepreneurial approaches to the use of these datasets now that they are to be made openly available.
For additional information please refer to the FAQs which are available at: https://www.dpmc.gov.au/pmc/about-pmc/core-priorities/public-data-branch-within-dpmc/geocoded-national-address-data-be-made-openly-available